Free Online Obituaries
Create Free Online Obituaries
Write your loved one's life story.
Create Obituary
Create Free Online Obituaries and we'll help you inform friends and family members of a someones passing.


Easy Access

Select your own unique memorial website address.

Create Photo Albums

Create Albums, upload photos and videos for your memorial.

Memorial Videos

We help you create a memorial video from your photo galleries.

Post Tributes

Share your memories and condolences on a Memorial Wall.

Light a Candle

Visit your memorial and Light a Candle on Facebook.

Social Networking

Use our Social Networking features to share your memorial.

Private Memorial

Have a private memorial for invitation-only guests.

Send Email or Facebook Invites

Invite friends and family members to visit your Online Memorials. .

24/7 Hosting

Access to your memorial 24/7/365 via dedicated world-class hosting

It helped me reach my friends and family members at the time I needed them most.
Conrad, Illinois

Creating an Online Obituary is as easy as 1-2-3. Create an obituary and easily send a funeral notice using our Social Networking features.

Recent Online Obituaries